
IMSS personnel saved the life of a nun who arrived in poor condition after drowning in the sea


Sister Esperanza almost lost her life when she went into the sea (photo: Courtesy IMSS)
Sister Esperanza almost lost her life when she went into the sea (photo: Courtesy IMSS)

The history of the sister Esperanza García It begins with an afternoon walk through the San Carlos Nuevo Guaymas beachwhich became an episode of concern for her and her companions, since, when entering the sea to be able to swim, this no longer surfaced quickly.

Because it did not come out of the sea it had to be rescued and transferred emergency to the Zona General Hospital (H.G.Z.) No. 4, of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) in the port, where she was treated in a timely manner by specialist doctors who saved her life.

He Dr. René Osorio Quintana, emergency doctor of the HGR No. 1 in Ciudad Obregónexplained that Sister Esperanza García arrived at the Emergency Department in critical condition with mechanical respiration Due to the asphyxiation by submersion that he presented, so it was necessary to perform skull and chest tomography studies.

“The patient arrived with respiratory support, however she did not present a lung or skull injury, the decision was made to withdraw the medication to perform a neurological evaluation,” the specialist explained in an official statement.

Thanks to the IMSS specialists, the sister has had an extraordinary recovery (photo: Courtesy IMSS)
Thanks to the IMSS specialists, the sister has had an extraordinary recovery (photo: Courtesy IMSS)

After the studies were carried out, she was transferred to internal medicine, where she began to have eye movement, so the doctors decided withdraw sedation as soon as possible, “this was key in recovery to avoid complications due to being an older adult.”

The specialist doctor pointed out that if the intubation and sedation had not been removed within a certain time, Sister Esperanza could have developed ventilation pneumonia, which would have meant more time spent in the hospital.

Likewise, Sister Esperanza narrated that she likes to swim underwater and hold her breath, something she normally did; However, after a few minutes of her, her colleagues and co-workers realized that she was not coming out of her and they looked for her to be able to get her to safety, but her condition was already delicate, since she presented difficulty breathingthe csmell of his skin was purple and was in unconscious state.

“When I arrived at the IMSS Hospital in Guaymas, they intubated me, sedated me, I was only there for one day and the doctors made the decision to transfer me to the Regional General Hospital (HGR) No. 1 in Ciudad Obregón, I was there for about two weeks, in During that time they performed studies such as CT scans, they gradually removed the sedation and I reacted, I was extubated, I began to talk and eat little by little,” Sister Esperanza shared.

The sister has already been discharged from the hospital (photo: Courtesy IMSS)
The sister has already been discharged from the hospital (photo: Courtesy IMSS)

Due to the critical condition in which she was received, the doctors informed her relatives that she could have medical consequences such as brain damage, or that failing that, she could become an invalid and never walk again. However, thanks to the timely specialized medical care that she received, any possible complications could be avoided, so she was transferred only to continue under observation at the Zona General Hospital (H.G.Z.) No. 5 of Nogalescity where Esperanza García lives.

“The doctors treated me very well, they performed tests on me, I have nothing to complain about, they gave me very good service, they reviewed my situation daily, how it was evolving, they discharged me, the only thing I can say is that I returned to life.” “I, that I am a miracle, express my respects to the staff of the IMSS, Guaymas, Ciudad Obregón and Nogales,” the sister shared.

Finally, emergency doctor Osorio Quintana explained that the patient’s recovery generated great satisfaction among the IMSS staff, since they did an excellent job, which is why the patient was able to move forward quickly.


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