
Why in Mexico it is customary to leave the letter to the Three Wise Men in a shoe


In Mexico there are several customs surrounding the arrival of the Three Wise Men (Illustrative Image Infobae)

He Kings Day It is one of the most anticipated dates for millions of Mexican children who write a letter in advance. letter in which they specify to Melchor, Gaspar and Batalsar what gifts they would like to receive on January 6th.

In Mexico there are several traditional ways to send the letter to the Three Wise Men, one is to send it by balloon, although it is a practice that they seek to eradicate due to its impact on the environment. The second best known is to simply place it in a shoe.

Although it is common for children to leave their message inside their shoes, the reason behind this tradition is not so well known. There are several versions of its origin, including one directly related to Jesus Christ.

The most widespread version suggests that in his childhood Jesus He walked barefoot because he couldn’t afford to buy shoes and that this situation moved two children, who decided to leave his shoes in the window of their house. The legend says that the next day they found in the same place gifts as a reward for his kindness.

One of the explanations for the custom of leaving a shoe on the eve of Three Kings Day is related to the baby Jesus (Getty Images)

One more explanation about this custom is that the shoes are used by the Three Wise Men to know how many people live in the home and what type of gift to leave for each child in the family, depending on the size of the shoes.

While a different interpretation states that traditionally Food had to be left in the shoes for the animals on which the kings arrived.who leave gifts as thanks for this gesture.

Three Kings’ Day in Mexico is not only the date when boys and girls open the gifts they find under the Christmas tree or near their shoes. It is also the time when families gather to cut the thread.

The Kings Thread It has symbolic elements related to the birth of Jesus and the visit that Melchior, Gaspar and Baltasar made to him on January 6, known as Epiphany Day. The symbolism in bread is present from its round shape, which represents the crown of the Three Wise Men or the infinite love of God.

The Rosca de Reyes is loaded with symbolic elements Photo: Cuartoscuro

While the crystallized fruits, figs and nuts They are a representation of the jewels embedded in the crowns of kings or of the gifts given to baby Jesus on his visit to Bethlehem. It is said that Baltasar gave him gold to praise his greatness, Gaspar incense to recognize him as a son of God, and Melchior myrrh, which at that time was considered a precious balm.

Finally, the figures hidden inside the bread represent Jesus Christ and symbolize the protection of Mary and Josephwho kept him hidden while King Herod searched for him.

It is worth mentioning that a similar tradition was celebrated as part of the Roman festivities dedicated to the god Saturn, when coins were hidden inside sweets and those who found them symbolically became kings for a day.

The thread came to Mexico with the Spanish, although Spain was not the first Christian country where it became popular. Bread initially gained popularity in France during the reign of Louis XV, from where it spread to the rest of Europe and became an indispensable element of the celebrations of the Epiphany of the Lord, which today is known as Three Kings’ Day.

In the Mexican Republic the tradition evolved, so today it is customary for people who find one of the baby Jesus in the bagel to pay for the tamales on Candlemas Day.


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