
Sleeping with the enemy – Infobae


Deputy Alejandra Torres and the former head of ANSES, Osvaldo Giordano

“I didn’t come to politics to solve psychological problems,” he said. Milei in response to a public apology made by the governor Llaryora. Trascartón justified his decision to fire the head of the ANSES without any contemplation with an argument as curious as it was incontrovertible.

“He is sleeping with the enemy, he is sleeping with a traitor, it is life.” The enemy in this case is the legitimate wife of the displaced official. Alejandra Torresfrom now on “the traitor”, is a representative for the province of Córdoba and dared to vote in particular against some of the articles of the Omnibus Law.

The legitimate of Osvaldo Giordano went to the side of the reprobates and in the raid he took his partner with him. Moral: you have to think very carefully about who you sleep with if you want to live in the paradise of the chosen ones. It may happen that in the purifying onslaught the righteous fall for sinners. Risks of community ownership in the mileist era.

Milei’s days became rough. The bath of ecumenical spirituality that seemed to imbue him with beatitude last week did not translate into any trace of compassion. He came back recharged.

Disgruntled by the facts after the fall of the mega law, Milei counterattacks. He advances on. In order to turn your weakness into strength It clings to the power granted by the votes, consolidating its profile with resources to the limit.

A new story is born, a narrative full of extreme words. Of indelible memes.

In the middle, Milei uses and abuses his media status. She returns to the Intratables panelist, charismatic and productive. He is a gimmick. The show is guaranteed.

Milei already has her Taylor Swift. The showboating of the media dispute exponentially expands the terms of the confrontation.

Javier Milei and Lali Espósito

In his attack, the President condemns to the status of eternal meme Lali Esposito. In a fit of wild creativity, he changes his last name, creating an indelible postcard in the collective imagination: associates Lali Esposito with corruption.

It all started with a message on networks. “How dangerous. How sad” . Lali wrote after Milei’s triumph. A personal opinion.

She started… Do you want to pretend to be handsome? Do you want to play with me? I will answer you“Replied the President of the Nation on radio La Red.

“Lali Depósito was left to him,” said the Head of State because “he lives off the tax payers at the expense of the children’s hunger.” A media shooting without prior trial.

One occurrence, the perverse play on words, was enough to entertain the audiences. You want a show, you have a show. Along the way, a warning is planted: “If you like peaches, ignore the fluff.” Freedom to express your opinion about what you want and the courage to take responsibility for the consequences. Be very careful with what you say and who you sleep with.

For political games, memes are a very powerful tool. They have gained enormous value in the digital age. They are defined as a unit of meaning or minimum content capable of representing an idea, a concept, an opinion or situation. They are created and disseminated quickly and effectively. They not only entertain, they generate values ​​and opinion matrices. They are assimilated to genes in cultural transmission. They are activated from person to person, from generation to generation

Being trapped in the meme condition can represent an unremovable stigmatization. An ordeal for life. A conviction.

The public debate between a president and an artist, no matter how popular he may be, reflects a blatant asymmetry.

File photo of the actress and singer Lali Espósito. EFE/ Álvaro Cabrera

Nothing happens by mere chance. Pointing out and identifying the enemy to defeat consolidates support with those who voted for him. At the moment it is pure gain for the libertarian profile. Javier Milei is perceived by many as someone deeply convinced of his positions and willing to carry out a refounding change without paying attention to collateral damage. Someone inspired by divinity to impose his designs who will spare no regard in order to reach his goal.

The irascible and rebellious temperament of someone who defines himself as “anarcho-capitalist” is, these days, celebrated by many. They are considered identity traits that make him unique and reflect the irreducible conviction that someone is willing to move forward because he has nothing to lose.

The presidential tantrums and outbursts are tolerated in a complacent manner by those who believe that Javier Milei is not an end in itself, but a means to impose the profound changes that a way out of the abyss demands in which we find ourselves.

Javier Milei has been using a discourse that turns defect into virtue, weakness into strength. His story line is divisive. Far from softening the wounded sensitivity of the Argentines, it cracks it, scalds it. Never left campaign modebut the anti-caste diatribe accelerated after the skid of the bus carrying the failed mega law.

The President embraces the media personality that he knew how to build and that brought him here. It is what he has, it is the only thing he believes he has by popular vote while he resists the idea of ​​reaching any agreement.

The word consensus is a perverse word in the mileist dictionary. “Long live the consensus, damn it,” Horacio Rodríguez Larreta bet. It was enough and left over. Now the idea of ​​consensus is assimilated to the devil’s slime.

The reversal of the meaning of the words includes new meanings. “Consensus” became a dirty word. This is what the lieutenants of the caste ask of him to continue defending their privileges. The meaning of the word “caste” is more labile and flexible, it adapts to time, moment and place. It is multirubro, omnicomprehensive.

Milei still enjoys the benefit of lovers. An emotional state that only allows us to see what we want to see. The object of falling in love is molded according to our fantasies and has the power of what we expect from it. It is known that in politics, as in life, the state of falling in love has an expiration date and that sooner rather than later the spell is broken and harsh reality imposes its forcefulness.

How long will the spell last for the majority that allows them to endure the rigor of the adjustment that falls heavily and suffocating on the middle classes willing to sacrifice hard in the hope of a change? How long will tolerance for government eccentricities last?

There is no answer for now to this question.

Milei must take advantage of this sacramental time to anchor his government in firmer territories. Coalition, agreement, interblocks. Everything suggested so far does not go beyond the exploration phase. Macri returns from the not-so-far south but an understanding with the libertarians is still far away.

The President continues to disown politics and aggressively lash out at all its actors. Governors and deputies have been exposed to the point of humiliation. Mauricio Macri must regain party control and face internal resistance to an armed group that does not include nuances or dissidence. For now everything is very green.

Patricia Bullrich He defined as “pure foam” the versions of a possible landing of the PRO in the Government. Although the complicated relationship of the Minister of Security with the former president began to be restored, Bullrich seemed annoyed when, in a radio interview, she was asked about Macri.

“I don’t want to do an interview as Mauricio Macri’s psychologist, I’m not, I’m not interested.”

Confident, Milei takes advantage of the tensions he awakens to continue accelerating head on.

This Friday the decision to eliminate the trust funds due to lack of transparency and for being the “politics box”. He does not plan to set the minimum living and mobile wage by decree nor will he call for a national teaching parity.

“I don’t think a politician can determine a price by hand. “It doesn’t even occur to me.” In passing, he warned that March and April will be two very hard months for the economy but that the restrictions will be lifted before July.

The coup came in the middle of the afternoon this Friday when the Office of the President ratified a measure advanced by the President. The increase in school aid by 311%, taking the amount from $17,000 to $70,000. The measure reaches the middle class because it includes those who have incomes up to $3,960,000.

“While some fight tirelessly to maintain their privileges, the national government is committed to accompanying and helping those who want to get ahead through effort and merit.” The cultural battle continues.

The media hype that he created around the pop singer distracted from many other issues.

Milei is expected to lower inflation, to put the macroeconomy in order, to return us to a normal country. Only strong signals in that sense will allow the romance to extend.

The reappearance through letters of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner also made its contribution to the presidential celebrity. The memory of her passing produces true terror in many. The idea of ​​recreating the polarization that dominated politics in the last 20 years is not an option. Not, at least, for the vast majority.


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