
After 2024, which year will be a leap year again


February 29 is known as leap day because it only appears in leap years. (Freepik)

This 2024 is a year different from many others, Well it has 366 dayswhich makes it a leap year, unlike 2023, which only had 365 days.

A leap year is one in which the periodic intercalation of an additional day in the year itself, a resource that is used in almost all solar calendars to avoid the change of seasons.

To avoid the change, years that are called “normal” and have a duration of 365 days are interspersed with leap years, which last one more daythat is, 366 days.

A leap year has 366 days Credit Jesús Aviles/Infobae

When it is a leap year, the extra day is inserted in the month of February, the shortest of the year, which in leap years counts with 29 days instead of 28.

Leap years occur every four years, so after 2024, the next year will be called a leap year. it will be 2028.

Although it is considered that every four years is when a leap year appears, the rule has some exceptions to achieve greater precision when it comes to the solar calendar. Although an extra day is generally added every four years, there is a rule that excludes certain centenary years. If a year is a multiple of 100must also be divisible by 400 to be considered a leap year. Therefore, the year 2000 was a leap year, but in the case of 1900 it was not, despite being divisible by four.

2028 will be the next leap year Credit Getty

According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA, for its acronym in English), leap years are very important within the harmony and balance of the years, since they occur in order to synchronize the calendar that we usually use with the solar calendar.

According to NASA, a day doesn’t actually have a length of 24 hours as plannedsince in reality it would have a total of 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds.

Under the previous context, although the year is always rounded to the number of days known, the six hours that are customary to leave outside In a common year, it is added every four years, resulting in a whole day that, when added to the calendar, causes a leap year to occur.


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