
Senate lawyers maintain that the amnesty is unconstitutional: “A covert reform of the Constitution”


The lawyers of the Senate have concluded that the proposed amnesty law is unconstitutional in a report that criticizes the processing and substance of this norm, which they call a “disguised reform of the Constitution”, although the Table of the Upper House, with a majority of the PP, will decide to process it despite Vox’s insistence. According to the text of the report, to which Europa Press has had access, the general secretary, headed by the new senior lawyer of the Senate, Sieria Mucientes, exposes the different reasons why she considers this rule to be unconstitutional. “The Bill would incur grounds of unconstitutionality for violating several principles, values ​​and fundamental rights contained in the Constitution,” reads one of the paragraphs of the lawyers’ report. Likewise, the text points out that “the vices of unconstitutionality could not be purified in this phase or in any other, since it represents an invasion of the essential content of several fundamental rights and the separation of powers, which are the two characteristic notes of the concept of constitution “.


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