
These are the studies and experience that the director of Dian, Luis Carlos Reyes, has.


They reveal the resume of the director of the Dian, Luis Carlos Reyes – credit Colprensa

The Director of Dian, Luis Carlos Reyes Hernández, not only stands out for his academic career, but also for his professional experience in Colombia and abroad.

Originally from Bogotá, Reyes has combined his studies in Economics and History, obtained in 2005 from Florida International University, with a prominent role in academia and public service.

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His credentials include recognitions, such as the distinction cum laudeas well as Master’s and Doctorate degrees in Economics from Michigan State University.

His career has been characterized by both an educational and investigative vocation, exemplified in his founding role in the Fiscal Observatory of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. This fact shows his commitment to fiscal analysis and evaluation within the Colombian academic field.

Besides, His international experience includes a position as an economist during the Barack Obama administration in the United States.highlighting the versatility and wide scope of his work.

Within the experience of the director of Dian, Luis Carlos Reyes, his role as an economist during the administration of Barack Obama in the United States stands out – credit Colpresa

The appointment of Reyes Hernández as leader of the National Tax and Customs Directorate (Dian) highlighted the importance of having highly qualified officials with diverse experience in both the public and academic sectors.

His career suggests a rigorous analytical approach and a broad perspective, essential qualities to direct one of the most critical organizations in the structure of the Colombian state in charge of the country’s tax and customs administration.

The “man de la Dian”, as he is also known, gained notoriety in Colombia for his ingenious way of explaining the tax and customs system through videos on digital platforms. This innovative method of communication earned him the nickname Mr. Taxesa term that refers to its ease of breaking down complex tax topics in an accessible way.

The director of Dian, also known as Mr Taxes, has focused part of his role on teaching Colombians about tax issues in an agile, versatile and innovative way – credit Colprensa

Reyes’ approach to citizens using digital tools represents a significant change in the way Dian interacts with taxpayers. In addition to her online presence, the nickname Mr. Taxes reflects the image of a director who not only focuses on tax collection, but also on education and clarification of processes that are usually perceived as complicated by the population. This approach has generated a positive perception towards his management, highlighting his role in modernizing government communication on tax and customs issues.

However, Reyes has also repeatedly pointed out the importance of recognizing all the areas covered by his direction, mentioning that Taxes and Customs more adequately represents the breadth of Dian’s responsibilities, including both tax collection and customs management. This comment highlights his intention to include and value all functions of the entity he leads, ensuring that no sector feels underrepresented under his leadership.

In a new video, economist Luis Carlos Reyes accepted a proposal from the renowned ‘influencer’ – credit luiscarlosrh / TikTok

The popularity of Kings as Mr. Taxes and its effective use of digital platforms to educate and communicate directly with Colombians on tax and customs issues, marks an important precedent in the country’s public administration. His approach demonstrates how innovation in communication can facilitate the understanding of fundamental issues for society, promoting greater transparency and citizen participation in processes. governmental.Its The most notable intervention recently was his response to a content creator, “Rubigol”, an influencer from Bogotá who expressed his concern regarding the slowness in the processing of electronic invoicing by certain companies, an issue that directly concerns the responsibilities of the National Tax and Customs Directorate (Dian).

The official’s popularity on TikTok intensified after he published an explanatory video about the necessary requirements that consumers must demand when requesting electronic invoicing, especially in view of the obligation that commercial entities will have to adopt this system in 2024. This initiative is part of a broader effort to digitalize and make tax processes in Colombia more efficient, while facilitating the work of supervision and control by the tax authority.


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