
Psychologists warn: “More time on the networks means greater isolation and a greater possibility of mental disorders”



Psychologists from several health centers in the Ribera group, given the gifts of thousands of electronic devices that Santa Claus and the Three Wise Men have brought to homes, warn that “more time on social networks and the Internet means greater isolation and more possibility of developing mental disorders. The team of psychologists from the Ribera Polusa hospital and the Santo Domingo Polusa Clinic, Lucía Arza, Cristina López Mouriz, Lucía Fernández and Belén Vázquez, assures that “clinical practice shows that the rates of anxiety and depression in young people have increased considerably in the recent years, and social networks cause these symptoms to worsen. “Using internet platforms and applications on a daily basis, seeing friends or idols actively enjoying parties or eternally on vacation in unrealistic images generates the feeling that things are being lost in a falsely idyllic world,” they explain, which represents “a danger for self-esteem and can manifest itself in the form of emotional disorders such as anxiety, stress and depression, among others. Along these lines, child and adolescent psychologist Mercedes Maruenda recalls that Artificial Intelligence is a technology that has been part of our lives for years, such as recommendations on television or music platforms, or on social networks, although it is gaining more presence. in different areas. But he adds that “since AI “facilitates and scripts” us the path to follow, this can affect children on a cognitive and emotional level, in addition to limiting imagination and creativity, not to mention the dependency it generates, for the multitude of stimuli it offers”. Furthermore, he adds, “dependency can isolate them from the real world, at a stage in which relationships with the peer group are essential, and limits healthy emotional development. In the era of Artificial Intelligence, the Ribera Polusa psychologists insist in the importance of digital and emotional education to help, especially minors, to protect themselves from the negative consequences of false publications and not to be manipulated by this type of content. In his opinion, it is also “key” to maintain communication open parent-child relationship, validate their emotions and offer them support whenever they need it, in addition to “teaching them to know and value their own qualities and achievements, regardless of the approval of others, strengthening their self-esteem, and teaching them the importance of managing their privacy “Thus, they also recommend encouraging critical thinking, locating “safe and reliable” sources of information, valuing different points of view and always promoting respect for others. “In order for minors to react to fake news in a critical, reflective and prudent manner, it is key that we teach them these resources, analyze possible fake news together and facilitate the reading of content appropriate to their maturity, with the aim of becoming autonomous. and can differentiate between a hoax and real news,” they say. CONSEQUENCES ON CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS The Spanish Video Game Association assures that 70% of children who use consoles to play video games are between 11 and 14 years old. However, more than half of children between 6 and 11 years old (57%) already spend several hours a week with this type of entertainment. In addition, the majority of children under 11 years of age have a mobile phone and with it, unlimited access to the internet and social networks. Given this situation, specialists point out that adolescence “constitutes a great window of neuronal plasticity, where the brain develops to be more effective. This flexibility leaves young people more exposed to external influences, such as the manipulation of images, videos and audio, including artificial intelligence, sometimes causing confusion and affecting them emotionally. For his part, Juan Pablo López, a psychologist specialized in addictions at Ribera Hospital de Molina, assures that “we are seeing an alarming increase in children who come to our consultations with problems leaving their devices, manifesting aggression, irritability and difficulties in their relationship with their parents and, in some cases, a decrease or delay in language development. Pomba Liñares, psychiatrist and pediatrician, and Mónica Villar, health psychologist and neuropsychologist, are in charge of the Child Psychiatry and Psychology Unit at the Ribera Povisa hospital, and they assure that in recent years there has been an increase of almost 50% and the symptoms have worsened. mental health problems in children and adolescents, with more depressive symptoms, self-harm and suicidal behavior. They explain that Covid and the months of isolation and restrictions on social contact have had an influence, but the situation has not been reversed after the return to normality in all areas. “Approximately half of mental disorders have their debut before the age of 18,” explains Dr. Pomba Liñares, who highlights the relevance of early detection: “Early recognition and adequate management of the first clinical manifestations can determine a change essential in the course and prognosis of mental illnesses,” he emphasizes.


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