
APPA asks the Government for a shock plan to increase the real consumption of biofuels


Madrid, Jan 15 (EFECOM).- The biofuels section of the Association of Renewable Energy Companies – APPA Renovables has demanded this Monday from the Ministry for the Ecological Transition the approval of a shock plan that will allow increasing the real consumption of biofuels in Spain.

In a press release, the association refers to data from the community statistics office Eurostat and warns that the real consumption of biofuels in Spain has decreased by 18% since 2019, which is why it proposes a “substantial increase” in the current national sales or consumption objectives set until 2026 and their extension, at least, until 2030.

In the opinion of APPA Biocarburantes, the shock plan should include the establishment of E10 gasoline (with 10% bioethanol) as a mandatory standard fuel at service stations, as France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria, Finland or Sweden.

Also from B10 diesel, in accordance with the new recently approved European Fuel Quality Directive.

At the same time, it calls for promoting the consumption of fuels with proportions of biofuels greater than 10%, as well as pure biofuels for use in heavy road vehicles, tractors, airplanes and boats.

Finally, the association proposes to review the current treatment of biofuels in the Special Hydrocarbon Tax (IEH) so that they have lower taxes than fossil fuels given their environmental and climatic advantages. EFECOM



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