
Those injured by Otis prepare “Caravan United for Reconstruction heading to CDMX: “They minimize the tragedy”


The victims will leave Acapulco and plan for AMLO to receive them this Monday. Photo: Facebook/Ramiro Solorio Almazán

The Acapulco politician Ramiro Solorio Almazán called on social networks to victims of Hurricane Otis to carry out a walk from Acapulco to Mexico City to demand that the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador punctually attend to the emergency in the port and send humanitarian aid before a crisis breaks out in the port.

“We are on the eve of a famine due to shortage of food and water, health alert and widespread social violence motivated by the desperation that is already felt (…) we need there to be an organized civil society from all the neighborhoods, neighborhoods and communities so that all the support can be distributed,” said the Citizen Movement (MC) politician.

Solorio Almazán broadcast a video on social networks in which he asks Acapulqueños to unite so that the city is pacified and do not break out a social conflict derived from the devastation left in its wake by Hurricane Otis. Likewise, he explained that The reconstruction process in Acapulco will last years -not months, as AMLO foresees-.

“Hundreds of neighborhoods in the highlands are in complete abandonment, thousands of people are already suffering from illnesses due to the mountains of garbage and they do not even have a bottle of water. López Obrador did not come to Acapulcohe did not visit a single neighborhood, he did not listen to the people, and they are allocating crumbs that will never be enough for reconstruction of our municipality. They they want to minimize the tragedy and they want make invisible the number of dead, missing and affected“, the politician denounced on Facebook.

Given this panorama, the politician and other citizens called to participate in the so-called “Caravan United for Reconstruction”, which left this Sunday, November 5, from the port of Acapulco towards Mexico City, where they will not only seek to be received President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, but they also plan to have meetings at the two headquarters of the Congress of the Union.

He itinerary that the contingent will follow is the following:

Sunday, November 5

  • 08:00 hours: Flagpole
  • 08:30 am: La Diana
  • 09:00 hours: La Venta Booth
  • 10:30 am: Mexican Commercial on the Chilpancingo Federal Highway
  • 4:00 p.m.: Antonio Barona Delegation Sports Center in Cuernavaca

Monday, November 6

  • 10:00 am: National Palace in Mexico City

Tuesday, November 7

  • 09:00 hours: Senate of the Republic
  • 1:00 p.m.: Chamber of Deputies
The Emecista politician called on citizens to organize to pacify Acapulco after the hurricane. Photo: Facebook/Ramiro Solorio Almazán


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